Wednesday, January 7, 2009

A Message from Jose Ramos, Relay For Life California Division Team Chair:

In November, we had the opportunity to bring the Relay For Life volunteer leadership together for two days of training, relationship building and fun at our California Division Summit in Los Angeles. For those of you who attended, I hope that you found the experience to be a memorable one and that you left energized and ready to put the information you received into action!

All of the hard work each of you is doing is clearly paying off. As you will see below, for the first time in the ten years that the statistics have been kept, cancer mortality and incidence rates dropped together during the same year. That is very encouraging news, and all of you who take the time to make the fight against cancer a priority in your lives have made a contribution toward those results. We don’t always see the immediate impact of our work to battle cancer, but this development is a clear sign that our collective work is making a difference, and we need to keep it up!

At Summit, I mentioned the importance of three things we need to do right now to ensure we keep our momentum:

  1. support our baby Relay events
  2. continue to educate our volunteers and communities about our cause
  3. embrace best practices and innovation as ways to keep our events fresh

I believe these priorities are important for our continued success, and hope that you will work with your fellow committee members and supporters to find ways to meet these objectives.

But before you get cracking on planning your remarkable events for next year, I hope that you will find plenty of time to relax as we head into the heart of the holiday season. I am so grateful for the hard work each of you is doing to make a difference in the fight against cancer and really feel blessed to be working with such a passionate bunch of people. Enjoy the holidays with your friends and family, and let’s get ready to charge into 2009.

Jose Ramos
Division Relay For Life Team Chair

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